
We help to implement circular water management in zoos, botanical gardens and parks.


Water: the basis of life

Circular water management will allow you to improve the welfare of your animals, make your exhibits more attractive to visitors, save on operating costs and become a model for the sustainable use of valuable water resources. After all, who else but a zoo should set an example of how to use nature’s gifts responsibly? 



We understand the specific needs of zoos, and we are a technological partner of the European research project LIFE4ZOO

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We design the water management model for each zoo individually, optimising the use of available water resources and applying the principles of circular management. At the same time, our technologies ensure reliable safety, including microbial safety. All water treatment is carried out in accordance with the Fit4Use principle – we treat the water exactly to suit its use. Anything less wouldn’t be safe, while anything more would be a waste. 

Our Solutions

Close to Nature

We work with the site’s natural potential, and our water treatment makes use of elements close to nature: wetland biotopes, biofilters and bacteria.


Our technologies create impenetrable barriers to pollution. Our processes and treated water are therefore completely safe for your animals.


We always select the optimal solutions based on comprehensive sustainability studies.

Treatment and Recycling of Water for Exhibits

Each zoo is unique. They differ in area, location, available water sources, climate and range of species. That’s why we approach each zoo individually. We provide: 

  • Water management consultancy 

  • Water management studies 

  • Technology design 

  • Projection 

  • Delivery of technologies 

Surface Water Quality

For a long time, we have been working on methods of reducing the undesirable development of cyanobacteria and green algae on ponds and lakes. For each water reservoir, we propose an optimal combination of measures, which are both safe and environmentally friendly. Our measures reduce unwanted nutrient loads, promote biodiversity and decrease sediment volume. Our services include: 

  • Surface water quality consultancy 

  • Implementation of surface water quality measures 

  • Bacterial preparations 

  • Floating reed islands 

  • Ultrasonic cyanobacteria elimination 

  • Aeration systems 

  • Automatic phosphorus coagulation systems 

  • Reservoir reconstruction and mud removal 

How it Works

Zoo Water Management

A comprehensive model of water management in a zoo includes consideration of the optimal usage of available resources, including rainwater:

zoo-schema.png (252 KB)

We apply principles of circularity and recycle used water, all while maintaining total safety and taking operating costs into account.

Our Partners

Technická univerzita v Liberci

Liberec Technical Univesity (Czech Republic)

Univesity of Girona

University of Girona (Spain)

University of Barcelona

University of Barcelona (Spain)

Zoo Liberec

Zoo Liberec (Czech Republic)

Zoo Barcelona

Barcelona Zoo (Spain)

Ministerstvo životního prostředí

Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic (Czech republic)

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